Saturday, February 23, 2013

Are you that one company.....

and no we aren't.

If you aren't sure what we are talking about yet, let me enlighten you.  If you type the wrong series of words into a search bar, you may come up with a company in Loveland Colorado by the name of Rocky Mountain Shrimp.  This is who we would be referring to.  And no, we are not them.

Why am I so emphatic about this?  It depends on who is asking.  For the normal person on the street it probably doesn't matter much other than the fact that for the information you can find on them, they would wonder why we are attempting to try to start an indoor shrimp farm here in the Fort Collins area.  If you are a company that we would like to do business with, and you look them up, you might wonder the same thing, and if you go by the power point type presentation they have listed on line, you are probably going to wonder why (if you think we are them) we have been around for the last 4 years, we are producing  around 4000+ shrimp a month and you have never heard about us until now.  And lastly, if you are someone that we are wanting to fund us, private or banking wise and you type in the wrong search words and get Rocky Mountain Shrimp, and then do a search through the state, unless something changed just recently you will see that their LLC is no longer valid, etc...

So why am I stating this?  We really don't want to have our name associated with their company name.  We ended up choosing the name Premier Rocky Mountain Prawn for the simple reason that prawn and shrimp really are interchangeable.  Prawn are known more for being freshwater, however they are known as shrimp as well.  We put the premier in front of Rocky Mountain to hopefully give people a second chance at getting a general search done and finding us, and not the other guys.

So if you can spread the word that we are PREMIER ROCKY MOUNTAIN PRAWN... not rocky mountain shrimp, we would appreciate it.  From what we can tell there isn't a company in Colorado right now producing 800-1000 pounds of shrimp per week.  When we have checked on them at least the state doesn't know about them, not does Larimer County, Loveland, Fort Collins, etc...

So keep that in mind when you are looking for us.  Premier Rocky Mountain Prawn, not .................

Thanks for passing the word.


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