Monday, January 7, 2013

Hard not to get excited sometimes

Wow....  Roller coaster rides.  Ask my kids and they will tell you not only do I not like them, but I can't even watch shows about them on t.v.  There is something about that feeling of my stomach being at point A and my body being at point B and why they aren't at the same place.  Even watching people on t.v. gives me that blah feeling.

Then again, when I was in the military and we were in the back of a helicopter it would make a sudden dip towards the ground. It was the same principle but because of the focus that was there it never bothered me.  As a matter of fact it got the adrenalin rushing.  Ok there was that time when the crew chief had me stand up and hold onto a hose that was leaking hydraulic fluid.  That was a little unnerving.  Holding onto a leak and taking that large dip to the ground at the same time.  We weren't quite sure if the dip was supposed to be happening since we were over the ocean.  Afterwards he just said "Doc, your magic hands save lives, I figured you could cure the chopper".  Thanks sarge...

Where am I going with this?  Well when you are doing something like creating a business it is a huge roller coaster ride.  There are ups and downs.  You slowly climb those hills and it feels great because you know you are getting there, and then you crash, rather that down hill section just drops you.  Your heart is up at the top (point A) and your body is at the bottom (point B) and you wonder when they are going to meet up again.  But when you realize that what you thought was getting ready to be the big climax just dropped out from beneath you, you sit there for a second, get all your parts and pieces back together again and start to climb that hill again.  Eventually you hit the top of the hill, and inside there is this big death chilling scream which you later realize is you falling to the bottom again.  And this just constantly repeats itself.

The last couple of days I have gone from that roller coaster ride to being back inside that Marine Helicopter. One sailor inside of a chopper with his platoon of Marines.  Everyone of those Marines has his back and they aren't going to let anything happen to him.  Things are flying fast at this point.  But now when there is a drop it isn't as devastating   I'm to the point where I know we are finally getting down to the end, where that chopper is going to land and the mission will be on.  The things that previously just dropped my to the bottom now just have my stomach turn just a little, but I know that I'm still in the air.  My focus is steady, it is able to see the goal.  That pilot is the SBA, the co-pilot has come in the form of people I didn't even know two months ago.  They keep in touch with me and give me unsolicited support.  And of course, there is that one crew chief that still has me stand up and grab that hydraulic hose.  I swear he does that just to get a rise out of me.  Trust me, I still have a pulse even if it doesn't look like it.

So in the past I started holding back that excitement for fear I was in line for a roller coaster ride.  Not now.  I'm back on that Chinook and am waiting to land with those Marines in front of me.


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