Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sustainability...are people sick of hearing about it?

Depending on who you ask, the word sustainability is either going to cause great joy or it is going create an automatic shut down.

For those who it gives complete and udder joy to a large number of them see the world changing, and all mankind will be saved.  There is the group that get enjoyment from the fact that they may have taken that wooden pallet and created something new.  It may be something as simple as the mom who took a couple of empty plastic bottles and did something creative with her kids.  That all falls under sustainability.

Then there are the people who automatically go into complete shutdown mode when they hear the same word.  Sustainability to them brings up thoughts of people tying themselves to trees and the most extreme images they can think of.

I am not going to say the last group is wrong in their thinking for the simple fact that when the "green" movement first started in the 70's, there were a few things that when brought up pretty much made the majority of the world say "what?"  Now, unfortunately, those same people can't let go of what happened almost 40+ years ago to see that things have changed.  At the same time, the idea of having 100% sustainability throughout the world, as great as it would be is not a practical or realistic goal.  So when those people who have a hard time trying to buy into the moderate thought of sustainability hear the extreme view, all they hear is what they have been believing for almost 50 years now.

With all of that said, Premier Rocky Mountain Prawn is a more moderate company with sustainability.  What I mean by that is we do take sustainability seriously.  However, we are not going to try to knock you over to win you to our side.  We will introduce you to what we are doing and why we are doing it, and hope you will walk away with a little more awareness.

Our short term goal will be to reach an 85% sustainability goal in 3 years.  Remember I said "goal".  That doesn't mean it's just lip service and we are just saying that.  It does mean that we will do our best to achieve that goal.  However if we don't achieve 85%, we would rather not have people knocking on our door telling us we only reached 70%, and asking why didn't we hit 85%?  It's called a goal for that reason.  It's something you strive for.  So three years from the day we open the doors, if we aren't at 85%, please forgive our slackness, there might be somethings that came up.  If someone would like to donate the cash for solar, we can be there a lot quicker....

So remember, everyone is going to have their feelings on sustainability.  Respect them and we all might get a little further in the ultimate goal.


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