Monday, December 31, 2012

A New Year...

2013...  It doesn't seem possible.   It isn't that I didn't expect it to come, and it wasn't like time flew by.  But things have changed so much in the last year.  A couple of moves after having been in one place for over 22 years.  But change is a constant in our lives.  Have you heard friends or family members, or even yourself say "I don't deal well with change" or something similar?

If we stop and think about it change is a constant in our lives.  Something is always changing.  Could be small things that we don't even recognize but change is still there.  Sometimes it is the big things and it is stressful but we somehow manage to make it through those changes.  It's a matter of how we choose to deal with them.  I've seen people that get so upset when they know a change is coming that they already have themselves convinced they aren't going to be able to handle it, that when the change happens, even if it ends up being small that they have themselves convinced that it was life altering.

I bring this up for the fact that starting a business is a fairly large change.  Well, a constant, non-stop series of changes.  Your business plan as you write it continually changes.  The location you would really like initially will more than likely change for one reason or another.  The original idea and how you see it will start to change once you start looking at things in detail.  For me, we are in an area where water is pretty tight.  So although I will actually be running a business where I will be utilizing a sustainable practice in saving water, trying to find the land that I will be able to use the water I need is proving difficult.  And then try to tell someone in this area that finding agriculture land is difficult.  They will look at you with total confusion until you tell them that finding appropriate agriculture land that is on the market is the problem.  Then throw the water and utilities issues on top of that.  But that all comes back to when you do find that ideal piece of property, when you do start looking into it, you have to prepare yourself for change.  In short, preparing for a new business is a constant series of changes.

I encourage anyone and everyone who has the desire to open and run a business to pursue it.  But know going into the process that if you are not great at coping with change, it is not going to be a good move.  Be prepared for those people around you (not the yes people who are there to tell you how great everything is, but the people who are really going to make it work for you) to tell you the honest down to goodness truth, and you are going to be changing things constantly.  Be prepared for your research to constantly be contradicting itself.  Change...

But it's a new year.  Make 2013 the year where you pursue what is going to make your life yours.  It is a risk.  How much of a risk are you willing to take?  Your life is in your hands, it is your destiny, not anyone else's   Don't go into it blindly.  Go into 2014 saying I gave it my best, or I cant believe I am still researching this.

I wish you all the best in 2013.  Please be safe as well as those you are spending your life with.


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