Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We are still here

There are times where you get so side tracked by other things that you forget about the other important things that you need to be doing.  That would include keeping up on the blog to let you know what we have been up to.

In the last month we have been working on our final push to pick up our final funding through our Community Funded project.  Although it was a great effort we fell short.The staff of the Community Funded are great. They worked tirelessly to try to help me reach our goal.

We have also been working on a new package for our new Farm Services Agency loan package. Our last submission did not get denied we just ran out of time is the submission from the never ending request for more information. Next week we will be meeting personally with the Farm Service Agency to review our loan package to ensure we have everything we need before we submit for final review.

Although this does not seem like much,  it has taken several months to get things lined up. We will get back to a regular routine of keeping you up to date on what we're doing, and we hope you will continue to follow us on our journey.

Lastly, thanks to all of you who have been contacting us lately. It has been great hearing from you and getting to know such great people. For all of you who do have questions please feel free to e-mail me and I will get right back to you. This is has been an exciting time  and will continue to be one. Please make sure you continue to follow us.


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